Thursday, September 9, 2010

High Performance Teams - Operational Excellence

Program Description: Building High Performance Teams

Despite proclaiming that their most valuable assets are their people, many organisations pay little attention to truly leveraging the power of their employees.

Often grouped in what are called “teams” many such groups fail to meet the minimum team standard of being a group of people linked by a common purpose.

Teams normally have members with complementary skills and they generate synergy through coordinated effort which allows each member to maximise his or her strengths and minimize his or her weaknesses.

A group therefore in itself does not necessarily constitute a team and some people use the word "team" when they really just mean "a group of employees."

Ensuring that your organisation consists of teams rather than groups requires the proactive effort of the organisations management.

Many organisations struggle to achieve this minimum standard and as a consequence leave untapped a vast reservoir of organisational resources.
Organisations who have truly recognized this potential have moved the boundary of team performance to the next frontier and are leveraging the power of High Performance Teams.

The key elements of a high performance team are:

1. They share the same goals and objectives.
2. They are self managing.
3. They are empowered, skilled and resourced to deliver.
4. They trust and support each other.
5. They practice continuous improvement and learning.
6. They deliver exceptional results, all the time.

Our foundation module, “Building a High Performance Team”, takes a group of people through the stages required to become a High Performance Team.

The program establishes the necessary core competences and behaviours of “High Performance” and it is the first module in our “Building a High Performance Organisation” program.

This program module is led by a practitioner- mentor who works with the team twice a week over a 3 month period. During this time the team develops the disciplines of operational excellence including the skills of continuous performance improvement.

The module begins by helping the team revisit and reframe their team objectives in support of the overall business strategy.

The Winds of Change (and Opportunity) are Blowing for Professional Services

Had I been updating my blog I would have taken the opportunity to make a prediction.....that Ryanair would eventually abandon its hate camp...