Friday, April 18, 2008

Dells Industrialised Sales Processes

The daily routine for a General Manager (GM) of a Dell business unit goes as follows:
Arrive at work to see the closing sales figures for the previous day, available in real time from the managers dashboard on the intranet.
If all is well, go have breakfast, if not begin the process to identify where the numbers went wrong.The first thing to check is whether the deficit is on the web channel or the direct sales (contact centre) channel.From here the GM checks if the expected traffic (hits or calls ) were met on whichever(or possibly both) of the delinquent channels.
If the number of hits or phone calls is down he calls his marketing manager to check what happened and what the recovery plan for today is.If the hits and calls are on or above target then the next variable checked is the sales closure rates x product x channel.If the discrepancy is here then he calls the sales manager to check what the reasons were and what the recovery plan for the day is.
Receive in his inbox the P&L for the previous day with variances highlighted in green(good) and red (bad). A quick management team meeting is held to discuss the variances and what the planned recovery actions are in the event of there being any “reds” on the P&L.
First “daily pulse” arrives in his inbox showing the profile of the traffic that has arrived today indicating, volumes,conversion rates, average selling price by product line,the product mix achieved, the operating margin and any relevant variances.
Second “daily pulse” received and first management“huddle” of the day to look at the Key Performance Indicators(KPI) and agree what if any actions it might be necessary to take today.These actions are not confined to addressing problems only. Situations may arise whereby volumes are up so much that there may be an opportunity to raise selling prices or drop incentives(free memory upgrades or home delivery) to improve the margin at the expense of additional volume growth.
12.00am — 4.00pm
The day continues much the same until the final pulse is received at 4pm by which decisions must be made as to what if any changes need to be made to any of the promotional or advertising material.Daily newspaper advertisements for the following day or any other advertising deadlines that close today will be reassessed in this light.Advertisements that are not meeting their hit or call rates,their close rates, or their target margins need to be pulled,increased, incentivized or generally adjusted.6.00pmBy now the daily figures are pretty well known and decisions are made on whether the following day starts with breakfast or phone calls.

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